We've been working hard at PeerLyfe to make the best private community software on the planet. Our website has been revamped in order to clarify what it is that we do. Our work over the past year with private communities has led us to create a new app that will satisfy the residents and the managers of the community - all in one place.
After many hours traveling the state and visiting private retirement communities, master-planned neighborhoods, and even cowork spaces, we have updated PeerLyfe to have the features that customers have repeatedly asked for. We are still working on a few of the larger features and our roadmap is always growing.
Here are some of the features that we've been working on recently:
  • Community admins can now share their larger events with the wider community and display those events on a dynamic public calendar.
  • We are building a robust set of features for members of the community to manage their groups, tickets for events, and payments.
  • Our payment system is coming soon, with Stripe integration. This will permit all members that want to charge membership dues, for events, and anything that requires payment.
  • We developed an Android version of PeerLyfe with an iPhone version coming soon.
  • And our larger release coming shortly is the Lead Generation API, which is coming soon and is currently in a beta test phase.
We started PeerLyfe with privacy and security in mind. Our goal is to ensure that your data is safe and that everyone can share their ideas and meet others knowing that their data is safeguarded using the best tools available today such as AWS.
The members in our communities feel safe when sharing their private thoughts and the community managers can rest easy knowing that their residents are protected. All the while, PeerLyfe is providing a place where their community can grow and evolve as the needs of the community change with time.
If you would like to know more about how we protect your data while supporting your community, let us know. Book a demo now.